DSA Prospect - Privacy Policy

Who we are

DSA Prospect Limited is a Company registered in England No. 08512145 whose registered office is at First Floor, 1 Des Roches Square, Witan Way, Witney, OX28 4BE. Any reference to DSA Prospect is a reference to DSA Prospect Limited.

DSA Prospect Audit Limited is a Company registered in England No. 07287660 whose registered office is at First Floor, 1 Des Roches Square, Witan Way, Witney, OX28 4BE.

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This privacy policy outlines what personal information we collect, store and use your personal data. 'Personal Data' is information that can be used to clearly identify a living person.

Visiting our website and/or using our services will constitute your acceptance of our Privacy Policy.

The personal information we may collect and when

We collect personal data on general and business contacts, suppliers, clients, prospective clients, employees and applicants.

The information we process about you may include: email address, telephone number, contact details, date of birth, marital status, National Insurance Number, Unique Tax Reference Number, relevant financial information including bank account details and investments, payment information, documentation that confirm your identity, employee information, payroll data, information provided on employment applications including CVs and references, and other relevant data, records of communication, marketing preferences. Please note, the data we collect is not limited to this list.

Personal data will be collected:

  • When you fill in any form on our website
  • When you contact us through the website, email, social media or telephone
  • When you apply for employment or work experience with us
  • When you access our content through a mobile or desktop device
  • When you enquire about our services
  • When you mention us on social media
  • When you contribute to our community by providing a testimonial/comment, or engage with our content
  • When you subscribe to our marketing communications or download resources from our website
  • When a meeting is held between the you and our team; whether virtual, in person or over the telephone
  • When personal information in provided by a previous accountant, professional advisor, employer, etc.
  • When we provide services at your request; the personal data processed is dependent on the service being provided, you can request details on the personal data being collected by emailing info@dsaprospect.co.uk 


Why personal information is collected

DSA Prospect retains personal data for business related purposes, this may include:

  • To remain compliant with our legal, regulatory and professional obligations
  • To verify your identity for security purposes
  • To provide you with our services, as well as advice and recommendations on other relevant services
  • To market our business, promote our services and communicate with clients and contacts
  • To operate our business, as well as manage and administer our services 
  • To collect and share information as requested by regulatory bodies for investigative purposes
  • To monitor and manage employees and applicants inline with our business policies, working practices, and hiring procedures
  • To develop our business, services, communications and the operations of our website
  • To investigate complaints
  • To manage client and business relationships, as well as contracts and events
  • To provide access to relevant resources including insights, guides, comments and client testimonials
  • To ensure our website remains secure


How your personal information is used

The personal information we collect will be used for contractual and legal obligations, as well as for the communication of relevant information to our contacts, clients and employees. Our legal basis for processing your information will depend on the services you use and how you use them.

We collect and use your information where consent from you has been given, we are required to do so under performance of contractual obligations, or there is legitimate interests. 

  • Your information will be used to improve our services and perform essential business operations

  • Your information will be used to ensure we are compliant with legal and regulatory obligations

  • Your information will be used to fulfil our contractual client obligations, this may include completing preparatory work ahead of the contractual agreement

  • Your information will be used to deliver and personalise our communications with you


Who we share your personal information with

We do not sell personal data to any third parties; however, we may be required to disclose personal information to third parties including:

  • HMRC, Companies House and other relevant government bodies
  • Third party providers who provide services for (but not limited to); IT maintenance, data storage, marketing providers, payment system operators, and analytics. Where third parties have access to your information, we require they acknowledge and adhere to our privacy policy.
    • HubSpot is our CMS provider and we use their services to communicate with you when you do things like; subscribe to our email newsletter, fill in a form or download a resource from our website. You can view their privacy policy by clicking here
  • Government, professional and regulatory bodies to confirm we are compliant
  • Relevant third parties necessary to fulfil a service or contract. This may be for legal obligations or for performing certain services such as financial due diligence, auditing, etc.
  • We may be required to share your personal information with a third party when it is disclosed to us by or on behalf of a client in order to fulfil our contractual or legal obligations
  • Where you have given us consent to share your personal information to other parties
  • A new accountant that you have instructed

Data retention period

The personal data that we retain is securely stored for as long as as considered necessary in relation to the purpose in which is was collected, or as required by law.

Information submitted through our website or email is typically retained for a minimum of 3 years but may be kept longer; where you have provided online consent to be added to our marketing database, this information will be retained until consent is withdrawn or we discover your personal information is no longer up to date.

Where we are providing (or provided) services, your personal information will typically be retained for no less than 7 years from the date that your contract ended with DSA Prospect Limited.


Limits of our policy

Our website, blog and social media may contain links to other websites and resources. In the event that you follow a link to a third party site please be aware that those sites will have their own privacy policies. You should review their policy before submitting any personal information. Our privacy policy does not apply to any of your activities when you leave our website and we are not responsible or liable for the third party's privacy practices including how they collect, store and use your personal information.


Your rights in relation to the personal data we hold

Under data protection law, you have rights including:

Your right to request access to your personal information. Upon request, you would receive a copy of the personal data we hold.

Your right to rectification of personal information you believe is inaccurate or incomplete.

Your right to erasure of your personal data. You are entitled to ask us to delete or remove your personal information in certain circumstances.

Your right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.

Your right to object to processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.

Your right request the transfer of the personal information to yourself or another organisation you have chosen. This right applies to information that is held electronically that you provided consent for us to use.

Should your request be considered “manifestly unfounded or excessive”, we have the righty to request a reasonable fee to deal with the request, or refuse to deal with the request.

We will respond to your request within one month; where requests are complex , we will require up to a further two months to respond.

Please contact us at info@dsaprospect.co.uk if you wish to make a request.

You can find detailed information about your rights under Data Protection legislation on the UK Information Commissioner's website at ico.org.uk.


Contacting us

If you would like to communicate with us directly about our Privacy Policy please contact our data controller.

DSA Prospect endeavours to meet the highest standards when collecting and using your personal data. If you would like to lodge a complaint about how we have processed your personal information please contact us in one of the follow ways:



If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at info@dsaprospect.co.uk.

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner if you are unhappy with how we have used your personal information:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website: https://www.ico.org.uk


Changes to this privacy policy

DSA Prospect may modify this Policy when necessary, visiting our website and/or using our services after updates to the Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such updates.

This policy is effective from October 2023